Module 2 handbook

Stakeholders' roles

The enabling environment in which you work will be influenced by a range of stakeholders. Primarily these are organisations and communications that set:

  • laws
  • policies
  • social norms

These include:

  • regulators who create the policies and legislative frameworks, e.g. governments and funders
  • advocates, such as think tanks and civil society, that encourage particular behaviours
  • international bodies and experts who advise on best practice
  • companies and departments that supply tools and services for working with data e.g. cloud service providers as well as local IT departments
  • researchers who provide evidence to help support and refine arguments and approach e.g universities
  • citizens and local communities, like business owners and smallholders, whom the laws and policies are shaped to benefit

The laws and policies set by those in a position of influence will affect you and everyone in the data ecosystem.

You can help ensure those laws and policies comply with social norms and are adopted by the community by consulting or engaging those that may not be more directly involved (e.g. individual business owners, smallholders) in policy development. 

Graphic showing representative stakeholders