Overcoming constraints

Security and privacy

You may come across people who do not trust others to use their data well. This is common where people have unaddressed fears arising from legitimate concerns, such as:

  • data security
  • privacy
  • trust over who has access to data and how it might be used

Within grants you could recognise this by:

  • lack of trust and understanding among stakeholders
  • limited understanding of key data concepts
  • lack of understanding of national, regional or international data policies or legislation


You can:

  • encourage people with key data literacy skills to help others overcome their fears
  • show people how data protection regulations, data security and licensing support the wider sharing of data

You can explore more about how to support data sharing and access though the related modules:

  • Protecting the rights of individuals while maximising the utility of data (Module 4 Handbook)
  • Minimising harmful impacts from data (Module 6 Handbook)