Stakeholders and roles within a data ecosystem

You can identify the key stakeholders in a data ecosystem, the relationships between them and their roles with the following information:


  • reuser of data to help develop and scale solutions based upon insights for consumers
  • ensures rights and permissions to use data within solutions


  • responsible for ensuring everyone in the grant ecosystem has the appropriate rights and permissions to access, use and share data


  • collects and analyses raw data
  • reuser of data
  • needs to ensure that rights and permissions are obtained and provided that allow the storage, use and sharing of the data with others

Policy maker

  • data steward, manages a number of key national datasets
  • needs to provide permissions for others to use the data
  • needs to protect the rights of those the data is about

Program officer

  • responsible for delivering FAIR and safeguarded data within investments
  • ensures investments deliver impact and are in line with objectives and policies
  • supports the grantee through capacity building and facilitating conversations with other stakeholders in the data ecosystem where necessary

Central government

  • responsible for national policies on data and information
  • contribute to the enabling environment in-country
  • set expectations on access, use and sharing of data