About the materials

These online learning materials are part of a wider Data Sharing Toolkit published by CABI and supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Open Data Institute and CABI have produced this eLearning to support FAIR and safeguarded data in investments made by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The modules provide program officers and grantees with the introductory knowledge needed to have conversations around access, use and sharing of data in grants, while minimising harmful impacts.

What you will learn

This self-study course includes 7 teaching modules, each with a Handbook and activity quiz.

You will need to receive a grade of 80% in each quiz for the activity to be marked as "complete" - identified by the small green tick. You have unlimited attempts.

This course will:

  • enable you to identify activities that are likely to generate and use data, and help you understand the challenges involved in delivering FAIR and safeguarded data within investments
  • help you ensure that investments are well scoped with respect to the enabling environment
  • explain barriers to, and techniques for, working with data from third party sources
  • increase your understanding of personal data and techniques that can be applied to ensure investments protect the rights of individuals while maximising the utility of data;
  • introduce you to the key role of data sharing agreements and data licenses as ways to safely share data and maximise its reuse;
  • help you understand data security and privacy risks and evaluate their real and perceived impact, whilst providing tools to manage these risks; and
  • allow you to understand the need for, and build in, sustainable access to data

With thanks

Content created for BMGF by The Open Data Institute and CABI

Development of this content was funded as part of the "enabling data access to support innovation" grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.


Delivering FAIR and safeguarded data within investments by CABI is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

آخر تعديل: الأربعاء، 14 أبريل 2021، 11:30 AM